Research and Reports

Termination Town?

Allegations of Wrongful Termination and Retaliation at Los Angeles-based SEIU Locals.

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Rotten Apple?

Discrimination Allegations Plague Prominent SEIU Local.

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The Worst Employer in America?

Accusations of sexual harassment, union busting, and brutal work environment plague the SEIU.

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News and Updates

New Report Exposes SEIU-UHW Controversial Leadership

A new report by the Center for Union Facts (CUF) dives into years of allegations against the Service Employees International Union – United Healthcare Workers (SEIU-UHW). The allegations include but are not limited to sexual harassment at the hands of union leadership and a toxic work environment. “SEIU-UHW claims to represent the best interest of […]

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SEIU Stands With Anti-Israel Campus Chaos

The SEIU has decided to inject itself into the Israel debate once again by issuing a statement supporting the protests against Israel currently happening across the country, specifically on college campuses.  Columbia University in New York has been a prime location for protesting students. Some of these protesters even barricaded themselves in one of the […]

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TV Commercial Slams SEIU for $20 Minimum Wage Hike

Today, the Center for Union Facts released a new ad highlighting the devastating impacts of California’s new $20 minimum wage for fast food workers, which goes into effect Monday. It will run in the coming days as a television and digital ad buy in the Los Angeles and Sacramento markets. The tongue-in-cheek video features fast food […]

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