The Service Employees International Union

is one of America’s largest labor unions, but could it also be one of the country’s worst employers?

Spending Data

The SEIU spends millions of dollars annually on travel, entertainment, merchandise, and more. The purpose of this site is to give dues-paying members of the SEIU and non-union workers insight into how the union is spending members’ money.

A Union Steeped In Controversy

Termination Town?

Allegations of Wrongful Termination and Retaliation at Los Angeles-based SEIU Locals.

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Rotten Apple?

Discrimination Allegations Plague Prominent SEIU Local.

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The Worst Employer in America?

Accusations of sexual harassment, union busting, and brutal work environment plague the SEIU.

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Recent News

New Report Exposes SEIU-UHW Controversial Leadership

A new report by the Center for Union Facts (CUF) dives into years of allegations against the Service Employees International Union – United Healthcare Workers (SEIU-UHW). The allegations include but are not limited to sexual harassment at the hands of union leadership and a toxic work environment. “SEIU-UHW claims to represent the best interest of […]

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SEIU Stands With Anti-Israel Campus Chaos

The SEIU has decided to inject itself into the Israel debate once again by issuing a statement supporting the protests against Israel currently happening across the country, specifically on college campuses.  Columbia University in New York has been a prime location for protesting students. Some of these protesters even barricaded themselves in one of the […]

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TV Commercial Slams SEIU for $20 Minimum Wage Hike

Today, the Center for Union Facts released a new ad highlighting the devastating impacts of California’s new $20 minimum wage for fast food workers, which goes into effect Monday. It will run in the coming days as a television and digital ad buy in the Los Angeles and Sacramento markets. The tongue-in-cheek video features fast food […]

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Poor Leadership

SEIU leadership has been accused of tolerating harassment and even retaliating against employees who speak out. Crime, corruption, and infighting have also plagued the top ranks of leadership at the SEIU.

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Mistreating Employees

The SEIU has been accused of treating its own employees worse than the corporations the union seeks to unionize. The SEIU’s employees have even made claims that the union employs union busting tactics.

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Failing Its Membership

The SEIU has been accused of doing little for its members, ignoring their needs for strike pay while milking them for dues and focusing very little on improving its members quality of life.

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The SEIU has been involved in a number of controversies. These include incidents of harassment and violence, as well as assaults on rival unions, such as its hostile takeover of united healthcare.

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Get involved or donate today to expose the SEIU’s history of intimidation, crime and corruption.